1. July/August 2024 Get started on your research – follow us on social media
  2. Sept/Oct 2024 Meet us at all the Scottish law fairs
  3. 4 November 2024 (at midday) 2025 Summer placement application open
  4. November 2024 Our webinars guide you through our recruitment process
  5. 6 January 2025 (at midday) 2025 Summer placement application deadline
  6. Jan/Feb 2025 Interviews held and offers made

Our summer placement programme is the first chapter of your career in law – and a step closer to securing a traineeship with Scotland's leading law firm.

The three-week placement gives you a snapshot of life at Brodies, placing you in one of our expert teams. You'll work alongside some of Scotland's leading lawyers, be involved in interesting and challenging work and expand your knowledge through the completion of a valuable research project.

The summer placement experience is an opportunity for us to get to know you – and for you, in turn, to get to know our people, our business, our culture, and our values.

We'll invite you to breakfast sessions to learn more about other areas of the business, set you up with a mentor and put you in touch with our current trainees so you can pick their brains about life at Brodies. If a traineeship with us is your goal, we'll invite you to participate in an assessment, as part of the recruitment process.

To apply you should be minimum 3rd year of the LLB or 1st year accelerated LLB.

Our values

Our values of courage, character, care, collaborative and collegiate are more than just a strapline. Whether delivering services to our clients, fulfilling our professional duties as solicitors, or contributing to the wider economy and communities in which we work, our values inform everything we do.

Learn more
Our values

Rare Recruitment

We are proud to be using the Rare Contextual Recruitment System which allows us to understand each applicant’s achievements in the context in which they have been gained. We seek to recruit the best people, from every background, regardless of their personal circumstances, and the CRS help us to do that. The CRS is only ever used to screen people in, not out and under no circumstances are candidates ever marked down for supplying this information.

Find out more
Rare Recruitment

Sustainable Recruitment Alliance

We have adapted a greener, more sustainable approach to graduate recruitment. We have reviewed our recruitment practices to help reduce our carbon footprint and minimise environmental and climate impacts. As part of our commitment, we are signatories to the Sustainable Recruitment Alliance. We pledge to review our processes and operations, identifying opportunities to be more sustainable, reduce the amount of materials and/or switch to sustainable alternatives and report on change, so the impact can be calculated. SRA have featured us as a case study recognising our efforts to reduce waste at campus law fairs

Find out more
Sustainable Recruitment Alliance

Help & advice

Get in touch with Wendy

Ready to take the next step? Explore our traineeships

You are eligible to apply for traineeships if you are a law student going into your final year LLB or accelerated LLB going into your second year .


English training contract

Interested in applying for our English training contract? Visit our page to find out more.

Find out more

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