Brodies Personal & Family Academy is open to professionals from graduate-level up to eight years’ experience involved in advising individuals on their financial affairs including private wealth advisers, accountants and private bankers.

Delivered by Brodies’ top-ranked Personal and Family team, our sessions give enthusiastic professionals involved in advising individuals on their financial affairs, from graduate-level up to eight years’ experience, the opportunity to extend their depth of knowledge, breadth of skills, and range of contacts, from the very start of their careers.

This webinar will cover the following points:-

  • The impact of gifting on CGT;
  • The impact of gifting on IHT including exceptions;
  • Gifts with reservation of benefit (‘GWROB’);
  • Provide an overview of whether gifts are matrimonial property covering both gifts from third parties and gifts between spouses; and,
  • Discuss how gifts can become matrimonial property and what steps can be taken to protect against such gifts becoming subject to the fair sharing principal.

These training sessions are designed to ensure that all Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) members are able to record their attendance as Continuing Professional Development (CPD) helping them achieve their mandatory CPD requirements.

*This event is free. Please add to your basket and complete the checkout process to register.


Amy Boyce


Joanne Hunter


Rebecca Gray

Senior Solicitor