Whisky Hammer is a family run whisky auction service, within the food and drink sector, which is one of significance to the Scottish economy.

The transaction involved input from our corporate and private equity specialists in relation to the sell down and the equity terms that were to apply to the ongoing shareholders' interests.

Our advice included assisting with the negotiation of the terms of the transaction, drafting all of the necessary documents and overseeing the due diligence and disclosure processes. We advised the majority shareholders in the group and remain involved in advising the client going forward.

Key highlights

  • Supporting a local north east of Scotland business at it grows and expands its business and service lines.
  • An opportunity to showcase our expertise in dealing with complex M&A and private equity issues at an international level.
  • A cross border investment transaction involving substantial levels of inward investment and international private equity processes, negotiations and terms.


Our involvement in this transaction demonstrates our position as the leading private equity and M&A advisory focused law firm in the north eat.

The transaction itself was a significant milestone for the Group and opened up additional business lines as it continues to invest and grow both nationally and internationally.
