Our client had been served with a formal notice that the care Inspectorate had formulated a proposal to close its residential care home services due to concerns about service standards and the welfare of its residents.
Our client was concerned that the information on which the notice was based was factually incorrect and that the proposed closure was disproportionate. They had been referred to us by Scottish Care due to our experience and expertise in this field. We agreed with our client's assessment and prepared a comprehensive response to the notice.
Key highlights
- Drawing together a complex and detailed response against a pressing deadline.
- Drafting submissions on the proportionality of the regulator's response.
- Gaining client trust in our proposed approach.
- Averting the proposed closure following an unannounced inspection during which our client clarified misunderstandings and was able to demonstrate progress.
The closure of the care home would have had serious financial implications for our client and serious consequences for residents, their families and its staff. This case demonstrates that we can deal with complex regulatory issues in a manner that helps instil calm and confidence in our clients when under very considerable pressure. It also demonstrates our capacity to deal with detailed and challenging instructions at short notice.