We support the SSPCA on niche litigation matters connected to the return of animals, governance advice, updating articles of association, legacy and marketing materials, interests in estates, property litigation and transactional real estate work, as well as data sharing and contractual work connected to the launch of the new Assured Puppy Breeder scheme. We have also assisted the SSPCA with HR-related advice.

Key highlights

  • Providing all legal services to SSPCA following a competitive tender appointment in 2018.
  •  Working with the SSPCA to review the organisation's governance structure and articles of association, considering strategic aspirations and aims of the charity.
  • Supporting the SSPCA on legal issues surrounding the launch of its new Assured Puppy Breeder scheme.
  • Providing special litigation support to the SSPCA regarding day-to-day activity relating to the protection of vulnerable animals.
  • Supporting the SSPCA with its day-to-day organisational and charitable activities, we have also be on hand to provide strategically and reputationally important advice. 


This case study highlights our ability to provide a full service offering to a renowned national service provision charity. This includes the ability to support the SSPCA in its day-to-day activities as an organisation, and also those related to the delivery of its charitable goals and impact.

Our team has been on hand to provide services to the SSPCA ranging from niche litigation and specialist charities related advise to ad hoc HR support and transactional real estate.
