Guardianships ensure loved ones are looked after, on a personal and financial level. 

Where an individual is incapable of making their own decisions – and has not made previous arrangements - a guardianship enables a suitable person to be appointed, to act on their behalf.

Guardianship involves an application to the court, to ensure any measures taken are safe and legally sound. Our lawyers are highly experienced in this area of law and will provide you with expert guidance at every step of the process, tailoring their advice to each individual's circumstances. In situations where contentious issues arise, we bring in our litigation experts to assist.

We can act as a professional guardian when required and have expertise in handling the ongoing administration involved. Our experienced in-house accounts and tax colleagues will undertake all necessary reporting to the Office of the Public Guardian.

In addition to guardianships, there are other suitable measures available to assist with the care of an incapacitated individual. Our lawyers can provide assistance in those areas too.

Guardianship key highlights icon

Guardianship key highlights

  • Our team is able to deal with the guardianship administration all in house including tax and accounts.
  • In contentious situations, we work alongside our litigation colleagues to provide a seamless service to clients.
  • Susanne Batchelor is appointed as financial guardian for a number of individuals.