Having a power of attorney in place enables you or a loved one to account for life's uncertainties.

Should there come a time when an individual is unable to make financial or personal decisions, an appointed person – or persons – can act on their behalf to deal with financial or personal matters, or both. 

Providing clear guidance, our lawyers and accredited specialists will work closely with you and your loved ones to ensure a power of attorney is put in place that reflects the wishes of the individual, providing peace of mind for the future.

Our experts will also advise you on your role as attorney – and if matters become contentious, we'll call upon our firm's litigation specialists to assist.

In some circumstances, a person may no longer be capable of appointing a power of attorney – in those situations, we can advise on other available measures to assist, including guardianships.

Power of Attorney key highlights icon

Power of Attorney key highlights

  • We've put in place power of attorney for 7,000+ clients.
  • One of the largest practices in Scotland looking after private individuals, we advise on all matters related to the international aspects of our clients' lives - find out more.
Pricing information
Wills & powers of attorney – pricing information for consumers (Law Society of Scotland price transparency guidance)
Wills & powers of attorney – pricing information for consumers (Law Society of Scotland price transparency guidance) (245.95 KB)