The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force in May 2018 and heralds the biggest shakeup of data protection law in 20 years.
Information about GDPR is now easy to find, but the principles are one thing - the practice is something quite different. Getting ready for GDPR requires a solid analysis of your management of HR data, project management and a change in policy.
We are running seminars on 'GDPR for HR - turning theory into practice'. We will limit the time dealing with the rules themselves and focus on:
- data mapping for HR - with real life examples;
- data categorisation, privacy notices and consent;
- policy development and day-to-day management; and
- sharing knowledge and practical experience.
Please visit our events and seminars page to sign up today.
Download our autumn 2017 brochure for details of other Brodies BInformed seminars.
Practice Development Lawyer