The Spring edition of our food and drink update focuses on two hot topics in the sector: Minimum Pricing and Waste Management.

2016 is showing no signs of living in the shadow of last year's "Year of Food and Drink". Two reports issued this year provide the industry with some crucial analysis of collaboration. Both were launched in March and merit our attention and consideration.

The first was Scotland Food and Drink's "Industry Performance Review 2016", commenting on the past, present and future.The second report was the Scottish Government commissioned examination of collaboration within the Food and Drink sector andthe findings of Scotland Food and Drink are set out in "Building on Success: Deepening Collaboration, Food and Drink in Scotland".

These are informative commentaries allowing individual businesses to model their own strategies. They arewarmly welcomed and are commended to readers following the links in this text.

And finally, the Groceries Code Adjudicator recently found that Tesco had breached the Groceries Supply Code ofPractice, which aims to protect suppliers when dealing with big supermarkets. The decision is arguably the mostsignificant regulatory development in the groceries sector since the introduction of the Code, and containsvarious lessons of which both suppliers and retailers should be aware.

We have produced tailored guides for suppliers and retailers, which explain the decision and its keyimplications, and set out our top 10 tips on how to ensure you comply with the Code (if you're a retailer) ormake the most of the opportunities it presents(if you're a supplier).

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you would like to discuss any of the issues raised in this bulletin.