The UK Government this morning announced that the commencement of the Procurement Act 2023, previously set for 28 October 2024, will be delayed to 24 February 2025.

The statement to Parliament by Georgia Gould, Parliamentary Secretary for the Cabinet Office, notes that the previous government's National Procurement Policy Statement – to which contracting authorities must have regard under the Act when conducting procurement activities – is not fit for purpose and needs to be replaced with a new NPPS that is properly aligned to the new government's priorities.

The delay also follows recent and increasing concerns among observers that the new central digital platform, which contracting authorities will have to use for various parts of the procurement process, was not on schedule to be up and running by the 28 October commencement date, and rumours that the contract to develop that platform was recently extended.

We are continuing to monitor developments in the roll-out of the new procurement regime. If you would like to discuss how your organisation is affected please contact Jamie Dunne, Charles Livingstone, or your usual Brodies contact.


Jamie Dunne

Legal Director