Last week the Scottish Government published its Principles Agreement with business ("the Principles Agreement").  As well as attaching a link to the Scottish Government's publication, we've answered a few key questions you might have.

Who is covered by the Principles Agreement?

The Principles Agreement has been made between the following organisations:

  • the Scottish Government;
  • the Confederation of British Industry;
  • the Federation of Small Businesses;
  • the Institute of Directors;
  • Scotland Food & Drink;
  • the Scottish Chambers of Commerce;
  • the Scottish Council for Development and Industry;
  • Scottish Financial Enterprise;
  • the Scottish Retail Consortium; and
  • the Scottish Tourism Alliance.

What is the purpose of the Principles Agreement and what has been agreed?

Against the background of the importance of a thriving business community to employment, supply chains and the Scottish economy in a wider sense, the purpose of the Principles Agreement is to encourage partnership working between the government and business.

The principles of partnership working are:

  • Alignment with Scotland’s economic vision – a shared recognition that the parties to the Principles Agreement all want economic policies which deliver and optimise positive outcomes, demonstrated through co-production of a programme of action;
  • Co-production adds value – collaboration, whilst often resource-intensive and difficult, will optimise outcomes;
  • Lived experience adds value – from an early stage business experience will be at the heart of developing all Scottish Government policy and services which impact on business;
  • Evidence is paramount – a shared commitment to evidence-based policy development, and evaluation, that promotes diversity and inclusion in a transparent way; and
  • Effective Communications – communications should be timely, meaningful and avoid surprises, underpinned by confidentiality where appropriate and mutual respect including when the parties to the Principles Agreement do not agree.

How long is the Principles Agreement in place for?

The Principles Agreement is intended to remain in place for the duration of this parliamentary session.

Questions and advice

If you have questions about the Principles Agreement, from either a public or a private sector perspective, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Government and Business Relationship Manager, Mary Frances O'Neill, in the first instance.