1. How did you get involved in International Arbitration?
I was part of a team dealing with an UNCITRAL ad hoc arbitration in the early 2000s which gave me insight into work in this field at a formative stage of my career. Joining Brodies in 2013 provided the right platform to expand this practice area and gave me the opportunity to lead our IA offering.
2. What key advantage does International Arbitration offer?
For me, the stand-out advantage is enforceability. It's so much easier to turn your award into payment than it is to do so for court judgments.
3. Describe your most memorable experience in International Arbitration? (Whether it be satisfying or challenging)
I have had many but one humorous springs to mind. When conducting a site visit on a vessel in port with our opponents' legal team and the arbitrator, one of our team slipped on deck but was quickly grabbed on his shirt collar by the arbitrator before any injury occurred. The unfortunate team member quipped – "That's the first time I've been collared by an arbitrator!".
4. What's your best piece of advice for clients when it comes to International Arbitration?
Put an arbitration clause in your contracts – you will find that it offers quicker and better solutions than recourse to a court.
5. Name your top tip for International Arbitration
It's all about the tactics – but always have a clear strategy in mind to inform these tactics.