Communication with an ex-partner or ex-spouse is often difficult. The topics to be discussed, such as financial matters or child care issues are emotive. Differing styles of communication can lead to additional friction.
The current lockdown in Scotland means that meeting face to face is no longer an option which makes conversation harder. Whilst emails and text messages can work in some scenarios, more detailed discussions often need a more personal approach.
For some couples, Mediation proves to be a useful platform to allow meaningful discussions to take place. We have a number of solicitors at Brodies who are accredited by the Law Society of Scotland as Family Mediators. Prior to the lockdown, one of our Mediators would meet with the couple to help them to discuss possible solutions to the issues in dispute. These could be child related or could involve financial issues. The Mediator provides a safe environment for communication.
During the lockdown (and beyond!) our Mediators are still able to conduct mediations using apps such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. This still allows the case to be progressed, but with everyone in the safety of their own home. As well as assisting the couple with the financial and child related issues arising from the couple's separation, the Mediator can also deal with additional difficulties which may have arisen directly from Covid-19.
If you would like to find out more about Mediation and how it could assist you, please contact any of our team for assistance.
Legal Director