In the second session of our Energy Academy autumn series, Jane McMonagle and Juliet Haldane, both from our transactional construction and engineering team discussed the New Engineering Contract (NEC) suite of contracts.

This suite of contracts has been around for 30 years and following endorsement from the UK Government for use in public sector projects, it is now extensively used across the public and private sector for onshore construction, infrastructure and engineering projects. Hailed for its practical, clearly written and partnering approach towards contracting, it is considered to embrace the principles of a modern contract. As the oil and gas sector evolves and many of its projects move "onshore" in the form of renewable energy, carbon capture and decommissioning, is it time that the NEC suite of contract is embraced by the sector?

In this webinar we covered:

  • Background to NEC;
  • Contract structure;
  • Key features of NEC including early warning and compensation events; and
  • Practical application.
