The planning application fordevelopment of a golf course at Coul Links, Embohas been called-in by the Scottish Ministers.


Explanation of the Ministers' call-in powers are in my previous blog.

The application was notified to Scottish Ministers because the Council were minded to grant planning permission against the advice of Scottish Natural Heritage.

The SNH objectionis reflected in the reason for the call-in:

The Scottish Ministers have given this Direction as the proposal raises issues of national importance in relation to natural heritage issues and its compliance with SPP which require further scrutiny at a national level.


The application will now be examined by a Reporter, who will prepare a report with recommendations to the Scottish Ministers on the determination of the planning application.

The Reporter might decide to hold apublic inquiry or hearing. For example, the Reporter appointed to examine the application for the onshore transmission works associated with the Inch Cape offshore wind farm has arranged to hold a public hearing.

The Strathy South wind farmdecision illustrates that permission might still be granteddespite the objection by SNH.


Neil Collar
