In the run up to Christmas we heard that the Beauly Denny power line was finally fully "energised" after more than five years in construction.
The project remains controversial. Photos published by the BBC showing the new infrastructure on the ground highlighted some of the issues.
Whatever the strategic arguments in support of large scale infrastructure projects, affected landowners will inevitably focus on their own concerns. Where landowners have resisted the project and the acquisition of land rights, compulsory powers are generally exercised under the Electricity Act in order to site the infrastructure - usually under a necessary wayleave. The landowner is then entitled to compensation for the grant of the wayleave taking account of issues such as visual impact and loss of development potential.
The help of a surveyor and a solicitor is usually required in pursuing compensation, but a lack of case law and information on other settlements adds to the challenge for claimants.
Recently the Lands Tribunal in Northern Ireland was willing to take note of the findings of an English academic study which concluded that the value of a residential property within 100m of a high voltage overhead line was reduced by 6 - 17%; while the presence of a pylon could reduce value by up to 20%.
While Beauly Denny has moved into a new phase, similar issues now arise for landowners elsewhere in Scotland, on projects such as the Dumfries and Galloway Strategic Reinforcement.