The Scottish Ministers have announced that all planning appeals for 100+ houses will be recalled "to ensure housing land supply issues are given ministerial scrutiny".

Three have already been recalled:

  • Broxburn (PPA-400-2059)
  • Glenrothes (PPA-250-2245)
  • Elderslie (PPA-350-2106).

Are the recalls likely to result in more consents being granted? The previous round of recalls resulted in every decision adopting the recommendation by the reporter, ie. the Ministers' intervention made no difference to the outcome. The only exception was the Cammo site, in which the Ministers refused permission, contrary to the reporter's recommendation, so the recall actually worsened the housing land supply.

Ironically, the recalls actually slow the process down. A further 2-3 months is added, because the reporter has to prepare a report, which is more detailed than a reporter's decision letter, and the Ministers need time to consider the report and issue their decision.


Neil Collar
