Interesting points from speakers and delegates at the JH Planning event which I chaired and spoke at a few weeks ago:
- doubts about whether all development plans do implement Scottish Government policy principles
- the Review of Planning could be a lengthy process - don't divert attention away from delivery of homes now
- the Scottish Government's draft planning delivery advice - trying to do too much for too many people
- To avoid unimplemented sites, need to align with market reality
- it's not just about allocating sites; also securing consent and delivering
- planners need to be allowed to focus on the right issues/ bigger picture
- the system can be improved, but it's about the whole culture
- sites not coming forward - often issue with aligning infrastructure - outwith planning control - infrastructure agency essential to coordinate delivery and end silo mentality
- happy partnerships = happy outcomes - demonstrated by partnerships between the public sector and RSLs - need to widen to the private sector
- huge demand for mid market rented accommodation - opportunity for affordable PRS on sites with an affordable housing provision
Neil Collar