The Scottish Ministers have issued a statement on calling-in planning applications. Call-in results in the application being decided by the Ministers.


Controversial decisions by councils to grant planning permission often generate demands for the Scottish Ministers to intervene through their call-in power. I commented on this in 2016 (plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose...). 

The recent Ministerial Statement is probably a response to the controversy about the horse racing track next to Bannockburn.

Call-in does not necessarily result in the council's decision being overturned. The Ministers recently agreed to grant planning permission for the called-in planning application for 109 flats in Glasgow's Merchant City.

Recent use

The recent DPEA annual report supports the comment in the Ministerial Statement that the call-in power is used sparingly.

In 2023-24, only 9 called-in planning applications were dealt with. The list shows developments ranging from single house proposals to the 109 flats mentioned above.

Reports were also submitted to the Ministers for 5 appeals that had been recalled for their consideration, reversing the usual situation where the appeal is decided by a reporter. These included the infamous Mossend residential development.


Neil Collar
