The flurry of announcements from the UK Government includes two key changes to policies and procedures for consenting renewables in England.

Weight to be given to benefits of renewable energy

In addition to removing the de facto onshore wind ban, the updated NPPF, paragraph 168, requires decision makers to give significant weight to the benefits associated with renewable and low carbon energy generation, and proposals’ contribution to meeting a net zero future. 

This policy has immediate effect. 

Procedure for deciding consent applications

The Clean Power 2030 Action Plan includes confirmation that the NSIP thresholds, for the development consent order procedure, for onshore wind and solar are to be set at 100MW.

No timescale for the necessary legislation is mentioned.

This will mean that 50-100MW projects in England will continue to be consented via the local authority planning process, whereas 50-100MW projects in Scotland are consented by the Scottish Ministers under the section 36 procedure.


Neil Collar
