To achieve the UK government target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050 all businesses and organisations will need to understand their impact on the environment and put in place carbon-reducing strategies.

Anne Johnstone from Fair Futures Partnership discusses how organisations can get started on addressing their climate impact. The webinar covers:

  • What net zero means
  • The elements of a net zero strategy
  • The metrics and measures that should be considered
  • Examples of organisations who are already making an impact in reducing their carbon emissions

Anne Johnstone is an experienced environmental and sustainability consultant. She established the Fair Futures Partnership in July 2020 having previously been Head of Environment, Energy and Sustainability at Hollis. Anne has expertise across a broad range of sectors and specialises in the provision of advice on ESG and net zero carbon strategies. Anne is a Fellow of the RSA, sits on the governance board of the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre and is a member of the Investment Property Forum Scottish board.
