With a vaccine now available and others on the horizon, governments and businesses are looking beyond the COVID-19 pandemic and considering what form the future recovery will take. And that recovery looks to be more than tinged green.

The Westminster Government has this week published the Energy White Paper - Powering Our Net Zero Future. This follows the announcement of a ten point plan for a green industrial revolution, "building back better" and supporting so-called "green" jobs. The ambition to "green up" is a recurring theme:-

Where are we at the modern coal face?

  • Add to the mix heat and transport, and newer and emerging technologies such as tidal, and the future looks promising.

There are undoubtedly challenges to be met in the shape of for example planning constraints and the wider availability of incentives and subsidies but as a nation we seem to looking in the right direction as we head towards our Presidency of COP26 in Glasgow next November.


Claire Reid
