Why did you choose to qualify into funds?

Colleagues, clients and content. From my traineeship, I knew that joining the funds team would give me the opportunity to work with people invested in my development as a young lawyer, while also presenting me with an exciting and varied role, with room for growth.

What aspects of your role do you enjoy most?

The work is interesting and technically challenging; from lead counsel work, advising investment managers on multi-million pound fund raises, to being part of the team that successfully defended a hostile takeover of a listed public company. Every day is a school day!

Funds-related work isn’t limited by borders, so I often work alongside lawyers across the world giving me exposure to other jurisdictions such as the US, South America and New Zealand.

What's the most common misconception about being a funds lawyer?

Money might make the world go round but funds work isn't always about making rich people richer. Recently, we've seen an increased focus on the environment and sustainability across the funds landscape. This presents an exciting opportunity to specialise in an important and ever-evolving area of the law.

What tips do you have for second-year trainees applying for NQ roles?

It may seem obvious but take the time to properly reflect on your traineeship. What did you enjoy, what did you dislike and why was that? Those past two years should help guide you towards this next step! 

Give areas you haven't experienced a chance and don’t be afraid to get in touch with the recruiting partner to find out more about the role in their team .

Applications for our NQ roles are live - apply now!