At Brodies LLP we conduct our business with integrity, transparency and fairness. We are committed to the prevention of slavery and human trafficking in our business and in our supply chains. We procure goods and services in a sustainable and ethical manner in compliance with our values and relevant law and policy, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015. 

We do not accept slavery or human trafficking in our business and we will not work with others in our supply chain who do not share our commitment to preventing slavery and human trafficking. If you have any concerns or suspicions we should know about then please email

Our business and supply chains

Brodies is an independent, UK law firm, based in Scotland, regulated by the Law Society of Scotland and authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (650996). We are a full-service law firm offering legal advice to private, public and third sector clients both in the UK and internationally. Our core practice areas are banking and finance; corporate and commercial; litigation; personal and family; and real estate.

We are a limited liability partnership registered in Scotland and we have offices in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, London and Brussels. Further information about our business can be found at:

This statement also covers the activities of Brodies Middle East LLP. Brodies Middle East LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in Scotland, licensed and registered as a branch in the Abu Dhabi Global Market, and with an office in the Abu Dhabi Global Market. The supply chains of Brodies LLP and Brodies Middle East LLP include providers of services to our clients, and providers of goods and services to our firm. For example, Brodies LLP engages advocates, experts and property search companies on behalf of our clients and officers of the courts to serve official documents. Goods and services provided to the firms include banking services, knowledge management services, food and drink supplies, stationery supplies, building management services for our offices, taxis, couriers, cleaning services, IT hardware and IT services.

Except where otherwise provided, the steps narrated in this statement relate both to Brodies LLP and Brodies Middle East LLP.


Brodies LLP's Anti-slavery Policy documents our commitment to conducting our business with integrity, transparency and fairness and the steps we take to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not present in our business or in our supply chains. This Policy applies to our partners, all of our colleagues and to our suppliers, including those who work for or on our behalf in any capacity and includes a mechanism whereby concerns can be escalated confidentially.

This Policy includes guidance with examples of unusual behaviour displayed by workers which may be indicative of someone experiencing slavery or human trafficking. It makes it clear that Brodies will support anyone who raises a genuine concern in good faith.

This Policy builds on Brodies' existing policies covering Procurement, Equality, Diversity, Dignity at Work, Grievances, and our Employee Handbook as well as other internal training we provide.

Brodies Middle East LLP's Anti-Slavery Policy makes equivalent provision in respect of that entity, its partners, colleagues and suppliers.

In relation to the financial year ending 30 April 2024 we have:

  • kept our compliance approach under review in line with the 2017 UK Government guidance on Transparency in Supply Chains, the 2019 UK Government guidance on modern slavery statements and the Scottish Government’s Slavery and Human Trafficking Guidance for Businesses in Scotland
  • conducted a slavery and human trafficking risk assessment of our business and our supply chains, as explained below
  • ensured our slavery and human trafficking risk questionnaire is issued where appropriate to new or prospective suppliers
  • continued to issue our Statement of Business Principles to new suppliers (further to issuing to our existing suppliers in FY 2021 – 2022)
  • held discussions at a senior level within the firm to ensure compliance
  • reviewed our Anti-slavery Policy, which identifies the firm's Finance Director as the Anti-slavery Compliance Officer with overall responsibility for implementing this Policy
  • arranged for colleagues with direct responsibilities for engaging with suppliers to undertake a bespoke anti-slavery and human trafficking training module
  • reviewed the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) against which to assess our progress on slavery and human trafficking issues
  • recruited a Procurement Manager who oversees, on a day-to-day basis, our approach to prevention of modern slavery
  • implemented a bespoke Anti-Slavery Policy applicable to Brodies Middle East LLP

Due diligence in our supply chains

We have reviewed and will continue to review our central list of suppliers. We have conducted a risk assessment of our supply chains based on annual spend, invoice frequency and a combination of these and other relevant factors.

Our slavery and human trafficking questionnaire communicates our commitment to complying with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and seeks information on, amongst other things, the nature of the goods or services supplied, and anti-slavery policies and procedures.


All colleagues are required to certify that they have read and understand our Anti-Slavery Policy. A process is in place to monitor and enforce this requirement. This Policy is available to access on our intranet system.

We have also arranged for colleagues with direct responsibilities for engaging with suppliers to undertake a bespoke anti-slavery and human trafficking training module.

Key Performance Indicators

We use the following KPls to measure how effective we have been to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chains:

  • number of colleagues having confirmed that they have read and understood Brodies LLP's Anti-slavery Policy (and/or the equivalent policy for Brodies Middle East LLP)
  • nature of and number of Anti-slavery Policy breaches reported to the Anti-slavery Compliance Officer
  • number of Policy breaches assessed within a reasonable time of being reported and further investigations concluded as soon as possible thereafter
  • frequency and nature of follow-up communications, as appropriate, with relevant suppliers, or potential suppliers, in relation to our slavery and human trafficking risk questionnaire or supplier take-on process

We will continue to monitor the effectiveness of our compliance regime against these KPIs, assess how we can make improvements to address any changes in risks and take necessary steps to address any instances of slavery and human trafficking. This will include focus on the modern slavery risk profile across our supply chains in light of the increased risks of modern slavery presented by the current economic situation.

We understand that an Anti-Slavery Policy and compliance programme will not in themselves be sufficient to prevent slavery and human trafficking. We recognise the importance of developing a culture within the firm which does not tolerate slavery or human trafficking and is not complacent about the associated risks. Through our good business practices and People Engagement policies, we believe that Brodies has established such a culture. We will continue to take steps to embed and strengthen this culture. We are committed to fostering this culture across Brodies LLP and Brodies Middle East LLP through training, education and awareness initiatives.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the Brodies LLP slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 30 April 2024. This statement was approved by the board of Brodies LLP on behalf of its members on 17 October 2024.

Stephen Goldie, Managing Partner

Stephen Goldie

Managing Partner

Brodies LLP and Brodies Middle East LLP