James is an experienced professional risk lawyer who regularly advises clients on resolving disputes in Scoltand and England & Wales. He offers clients pragmatic and commercial advice, whilst helping them to effectively manage risk and achieve the best possible outcome.

James acts for a wide variety of professional clients including insurers, insurance brokers, construction professionals, lawyers, accountants and financial advisers. He has considerable experience of high profile and complex commercial disputes, including defending negligence and breach of contract claims where reputational issues are at stake. A keen advocate of alternative dispute resolution, James has advised on disputes arising out of large public infrastructure projects; commercial contract negotiations; residential and commercial property transactions; and financial advice among others. James has also successfully represented dozens of professional clients facing complaints through their various regulatory bodies and he regularly advises on insurance indemnity and coverage issues.

Living Brodies' values

Clients appreciate James’s ability to critically analyse a dispute and work collaboratively with clients to achieve efficient and practical solutions.