Natalia Fraser
Natalia provides contractual support on a range of different projects to both Operator and Service Sector clients.
She has experience in reviewing, drafting and negotiating JOAs. She has provided legal support on asset acquisitions and disposals and related due diligence exercises. She has experience in reviewing, drafting and negotiating a wide range of service sector contracts for operations in the UKCS including master service agreements, drilling contracts, general terms of purchase agreements and LOGIC model contracts, in particular providing advice on key indemnity provisions. She has experience in drafting bespoke set of terms and conditions for the provision of goods, services and rental. Natalia also has experience in civil litigation matters relating to the oil and gas industry. She successfully represented clients in a wide range of cases in the Sheriff Courts across Scotland and the Court of Session. She has a track record of settling complex cases and particular experience in relation to onshore and offshore health and safety regulations, HSE reportable incidents, insurance and damages claims and oil and gas indemnification contract provisions/hold harmless provisions.
Living Brodies' values
Natalia enjoys working collaboratively to build relationships with clients and working with her team to deliver solutions tailored to clients’ needs.

- Natalia is a Notary Public.
- Graduated from the University of Aberdeen with LLB (Hons) Law Degree and completed Oil & Gas Law Honours.
- She obtained the Diploma in Professional Legal Practice at the University of Aberdeen.