![When can a public authority be ordered to do something as a result of a judicial review? Petition of Y for Judicial Review [2024] CSOH 113](https://res.cloudinary.com/brodies-com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto/w_370,h_208,c_fill,g_auto/e_colorize:40,co_rgb:009DA5/https://brodies.com//assets/uploads/images/blog%20images/public-law-columns-2.jpg)
Niall McLean
Niall gives both public and private sector clients advice in a broad range of areas including: education, environmental law, governance, defamation and reputation management, and public law and statutory interpretation. Niall has experience advising on the data protection and reputation management issues that arise from cyber attacks. He supports clients domestically and internationally with a particular focus on giving clients strategic and pragmatic advice.
Niall is a solicitor advocate with extended rights of audience in the Court of Session and has extensive advocacy experience, regularly appearing in court for clients. He is also regularly instructed to manage significant pieces of litigation in the Court of Session including judicial reviews and statutory appeals primarily focusing on planning & environment, local government and education law.
Living Brodies' values
Niall takes a collaborative approach to working with clients and colleagues and is described as "a very bright, energetic and up-and-coming lawyer" by clients.

- The only solicitor advocate appointed to the Scottish Government’s list of ‘Standing Junior Counsel’. Niall regularly acts for the Scottish Government in a broad range of Court of Session actions, with a particular interest in planning & environmental litigation.
- On the panel of preferred counsel for the Equality & Human Rights Commission.
- Leads our local government practice and chairs our cross-firm Government & Business Team, and the firm's Education Group.

- Ranked as 'Next Generation Partner' for Education in Legal 500 UK 2024.
- Ranked by Chambers as an 'Up and Coming' Partner in Administrative & Public Law.
- Ranked by Chambers as an 'Up and Coming' Partner and by Legal 500 as 'Next Generation' Partner in Local Government.
- Recognised by Legal 500 as being "increasingly active in reputation management issues".
Niall is a brilliant lawyer with the ability to stay calm in all situations. He has a keen eye for technical detail but is also personable and commercially astute.
Chambers UK 2025
Niall McLean does not shy away from fearlessly defending the best interests of his client in difficult and challenging circumstances. He provides pragmatic strategic advice on complex issues.
Chambers UK 2025
He is an excellent go-to person. He understands the public sector very well and understands the financial and reputational risks for the public sector.
Chambers UK 2025
Niall McLean is impressive, with excellent technical knowledge and a calm demeanor.
Legal 500 UK 2025