Our expert solicitors specialise in all aspects of the construction and engineering industries including infrastructure projects, commercial real estate, education and transport projects, housing, renewables, waste and PFI/PPP sectors. We work with clients in both the public and private sectors and they include developers, contractors, consultants, insurers and funders.

The breadth of our expertise, both contentious and non-contentious, combined with our ability to call on specialist input from colleagues in real estate, banking, corporate, procurement and regulatory teams, means that we provide a joined-up service to clients that is unrivalled in the Scottish marketplace and which is called upon to assist with projects across the whole of the UK.

In my view, Brodies has the leading legal experts in construction contracts and disputes in Scotland. I always find the Brodies team to be quick to respond and provide very clear advice.

Chambers UK 2025

Our specialist construction solicitors deliver high quality advice against demanding timescales. From structuring development and investment projects, advising on specialist engineering markets including the waste and renewable sectors, leading on PFI/PPP and hub projects and analysing contract provisions and formulating dispute resolution strategies, we are always focused on providing practical solutions.

Construction & Engineering key highlights icon

Construction & Engineering key highlights

  • Our construction and engineering group continues to grow as does the value, complexity and number of the projects and disputes we advise upon.
  • We have been representing members of the Association for Consultancy & Engineering for 30 years, and more recently have been appointed as Scottish lawyers to the Building & Engineering Services Association, providing training and representation to its members.
  • Our expertise spans all industry standard forms of contract including JCT/SBCC, NEC, FIDIC, IChemE, LOGIC, ICE, MF/1 and SFT forms.

Building & Fire Safety Hub

Everything you need to know about building and fire safety regulations and legislation.

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