Chaired by Karen Betts, CEO of The Scotch Whisky Association and former British diplomat in Washington DC, this webinar discusses how the campaign for this year's presidential election is evolving. We look at the current state of play and examine how recent events might have impacted the race.

Karen is joined by Stephen Skinner, an American trial lawyer and member of the West Virginia Democratic Party who formerly served in the West Virginia House of Delegates. Our third panellist is Mike Moffo, a veteran of 22 US political campaigns in 18 states, including John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign and a senior role in Barack Obama’s 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns.

US Elections – How will the events of 2020 change the race to the White House?


Karen Betts

CEO of The Scotch Whisky Association and former British diplomat in Washington DC

Stephen Skinner

American trial lawyer and member of the West Virginia Democratic Party

Mike Moffo

Veteran of 22 US political campaigns in 18 states