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Career vacancies
Working regularly with clients across the UK and internationally, London can be a very convenient location for doing business. Our office, in the heart of the City, is a collaborative and welcoming space where we invite clients and contacts to come and meet with us.
Brodies LLP
90 Bartholomew Close
England UK
Tel: +44(0)203 780 7501
Opening hours
Monday-Friday 8am-6pm
Our office in London allows us to support businesses, organisations and individuals in the UK and internationally.
We provide advice across key sectors including:
Charities & Third Sector, Construction & Engineering, Education, Energy, Financial Services, Food, Drink & Leisure, Government & Public Sector, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Infrastructure, Transport & Logistics, Media, Broadcasting & Sport, Real Estate and Technology.
We also advise individuals and families on personal matters, including wills, lasting powers of attorney, probate, trusts and estate planning.
Our London office complements our four offices in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness, as well as our office in Brussels.
Please complete the form below with your enquiry and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Brodies LLP, 90 Bartholomew Close, London, EC1A 7BN
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